The 2025-2035 Facilities Strategic Plan – DRAFT as presented to the Board of Trustees on July 26, 2024
District-wide Projects
Infrastructure Projects – Project Update History
Status Update As of: 12/7/2020
- Replacing Pneumatic Control in Administration and Camino Real: Pending fund availability to schedule work
- Aviation/Art renovation: obtaining quotes for hoods and ventilation equipment
- In progress of upgrading DDC Controls for Human Resources and the Sierra Vista Building
- Roof coating for San Rafael Building complete; Roof coating for Aviation/Art Building awaiting completion of new Welding Shop Renovation
- In progress of adding charging stations in Lot C – target completion for 8/7/2020, pending final commissioning
- Completed electrical panel upgrades for GCC Police Dept. and Auditorium Green Room
- Conducted campus-wide power shutdowns to perform essential upgrade of electrical switch gears
- Installed 6 area lighting poles on west side of the Sierra Vista Building to improve pedestrian visibility
- Ongoing change out of fluorescent lighting to LED lighting district-wide
- Upgrade of selected back-up generators: In progress